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End the varicose veins with sclerosis

Atención, la fecha de publicación de este artículo es 27-11-2018. Su contenido puede haber quedado desactualizado.

End the varicose veins with sclerosis

Varicose vein and vascular spiders are one of the aesthetic problems that most worry our patients. This pathology affects more woman than man, and specialists affirm that per 10 woman that suffer varicose vein, just 1 man have them.

Varicose vein is a vein affectation that cause its dilatation and size increase, which means that they are more visible through the skin. Moreover, these symptoms normally have others like legs heaviness and swollen feeling, even cramps, especially during night.

On the other side, vascular spiders are mistaken with varicose vein, but they are smaller and doesn’t cause pain, as varicose vein.

Many women have treatment in autumn and winter because it is the best moment to have it, because we don’t show our legs and we avoid sun rays effects, that can alter the result.

Sclerosis to remove varicose vein and vascular spiders

Through sclerosis we can finish with varicose vein with no pain. Through a fine needle we will produce a controlled reaction in the varicose vein walls, with the objective that the vein close and varicose veins and vascular spiders disappear.

The number of sessions depend on each patient, but normally it depends on the type of varicose vein to treat and the amount we want to get rid of. The optimal result will be observed in a month approximately, once the treatment is finish. The sessions, as we explained, don’t cause pain and last 30 minutes and we should have them once a week.

Ilahy specialists will advise you so the result is the best possible one. Definitely, the aesthetic technique of the sclerosis with etoxisclerol foam is ideal for the cases in which we want to say goodbye to the varicose veins that doesn’t need surgical intervention.

In ilahy we have experts that can help us to get rid of this pathology. We are the aesthetic medicine and surgery clinic of IMED Hospitals, so we have the safety and confidence of their facilities. Benefit now and ask for your first free appointment.


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