Clínicas en Elche, Benidorm, Valencia, Gandía, Alcoy y Torrevieja

ilahy Beauty and Aesthetics Centre in Alcoy

ilahy Alcoy

ilahy has an advanced aesthetic medicine and surgery clinic in Alcoy, located in the IMED Alcoy Polyclinic, in the Cotes Baixes Industrial Estate.

The ilahy clinics are part of IMED Hospitales, which is why it conforms to the very high quality standards of this hospital group. Free first medical consultation, hospital care, these and many more are the values that make our clinic stand out and make us a reference in the Valencian Community.

centro de estética en Alcoy

Tel. 965 50 49 00

682 25 95 69

Polígono Industrial Cotes Baixes Carrer B, 1, 03804 Alcoi, Alicante

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Cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine clinics by IMED Hospitales
