Clínicas en Elche, Benidorm, Valencia, Gandía, Alcoy y Torrevieja

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I came to ilahy as it was recommended to me by a doctor friend of ours and a friend who had surgery here said its the best place to go. After my pregnancy my stomach and breasts were a mess. I had so much skin on my stomach that it was impossible to wear any decent clothes. Now I have the body Iv been dreaming of and im so so happy! Ilahy talked me through everything and i had the opportunity to do both breast and a tummy tuck together which was fantastic for me and at the best price. After the operation i had all the help from the nurses and the after care at ilahy was perfect. The staff are all so friendly, helpful and just fantastic at what they do and I would recommend ilahy to anyone who wants any kind of treatment. I had the best possible experience here at ilahy!!! 5 stars! Thank you so much ilahy!! Muchos besitos a todos y gracias !!!! Claudia

33 años, Benidorm, Tummy tuck

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