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How to face capillary transplant with good weather

Atención, la fecha de publicación de este artículo es 10-05-2018. Su contenido puede haber quedado desactualizado.

How to face capillary transplant with good weather

Any moment is good to have your hair back and stop hair loss. Many patients come to ilahy worried because they want to have capillary micro-graft but they are told in summer you can’t have it and you have to wait till winter.

The intervention is quick, so the patient can go back home on the same day. It is recommended to come always with someone because of the administration of drugs that can cause sleepiness.

It takes between 3 and 5 hours and a half and it is only used local anaesthetics. The capillary implant hair doesn’t need any special care. You should treat it in a natural way, as the rest of your hair.

Spring and summer can be perfect seasons to perform the capillary transplant if you follow the correct indications. In only one month you can enjoy summer in a normal way and showing the hair that you always desired that will give you security and confidence.

Which indications do I have to follow in summer?

  • You have to protect your hair from the sun. Avoid the sun directly in your hair. The best way to protect it is to use a cap, a hat or a light scarf from the third week on. Avoid central hours of the day, when is hotter and very sunny.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool or the sea. The salt and chlorine can have counterproductive effects so the first month you have to forget about dipping, so the micro-graft has the optimal effect.
  • You should reduce as much as possible alcohol and smoking. After the capillary surgery you have to moderate the intake of these products because it doesn’t have to influence on the healing process of the implants. Also it is recommended to not take alcohol or stimulating drinks from 3 days before the intervention.
  • To not make pressure on the head, , during the first 15 days we don’t advice the use of helmets..

Instructions to wash hair

Once you have the transplant you should follow these instructions to wash the head correctly.

Days 1ª-3ª: only the donor area, once a day, with neutral and soft shampoo and tempered water, using the hand palm and softly. Dry hair softly, without rubbing and with a dryer help (use not warm air and from a distance)

Days 4ª-10ª: wash all head, twice a day, with neutral soft shampoo and tempered water. You can begin to use fingers, but never nails. Wash has to be soft. Dry hair as the days before.

From the 10ª day: wash once a day. Same way as days before.

From the 15ª day:: you can wash it with your normal shampoo and use other hair products (spray, gel, foam, dye…)

En ilahy In ilahy we recommend you to have micro-grafts in spring to be more comfortable, but it is totally possible to have them in summer. If you want the ilahy staff advice, don’t hesitate to have an appointment,the first appointment is free!


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