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Breast reconstruction can help to palliate breast cancer effects

Atención, la fecha de publicación de este artículo es 16-11-2017. Su contenido puede haber quedado desactualizado.

Breast reconstruction can help to palliate breast cancer effects

Breast surgery is the one that our patients ask for more. Because of that, in ilahy clinics we have a specific Unit of breast surgery that wants to provide a qualified and medical answer to breast aesthetic problems.

Breasts are one of the most important features of a woman beauty. Its size, turgor, symmetry or position will determine the aesthetic and, in some cases, the psychological wellness.

Breast surgeries

  • Breast augmentation or mammplasty

It is a surgery for the volume and shape improvement of female breast. It consists, normally,  on prosthesis implant under the mammary gland.

  • Breast reduction

Also called reduction mammoplasty. This surgical technique has as main objective to modify breast shape and size, reducing and adapting it to the aesthetic and functional requirements.

Breast hypertrophy normally appears in puberty as a hormone problem and it is characterized by an excessive breasts growth. For the patient, this fact, can condition its social life because it s more difficult to do sports, go to the beach and to use some kind of clothes, for example.

  • Breast elevation:

Also called mastopexy. The objective of this surgery is to rejuvenate the breast by modifying the breast ptosis and recovering its turgor.

Because of different reasons as breastfeeding, pregnancy or weight loss diets, the breast can lose firmness and turgor.

One of the last surgical techniques that are implemented in the Breast Unit of ilahy is the Benelli Technique, characterized because performs the elevation with the minimum scar in the patient.

Other surgeries that are performed less frequently but that as the above ones require a high qualified surgeon and that are very important in the Unit are:

  • Areola reduction
  • Prosthesis change
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Tuberous and gynecomastia breast

Breast cancer Worldwide Day, 19th of October

Breast cancer is the most frequent among women in developing countries and developed countries. The life expectancy increase, as well as development and non healthy life habits caused a biggest impact of this cancer in last years.

Early detection has been the key to fight it, although lots of them cause a mastectomy in woman. As a consequence, many women have physical and psychological consequences.

Breast reconstruction can turn into an “allied” that allows woman to continue their life without fear or insecurities. The objective is to palliate breast cancer effects. There are different options of breast reconstruction.

In the Breast Surgery Unit of ilahy, our surgeons make a free diagnosis and can explain, considering your personal characteristics, which will be the option or options more suitable for you.


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Cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine clinics by IMED Hospitales
