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Tips to keep skin tanned

Atención, la fecha de publicación de este artículo es 20-02-2015. Su contenido puede haber quedado desactualizado.

Tips to keep skin tanned

These days, keeping skin tanned, is the most visible evidence of having been on holiday and is one of the most widespread aspirations for many, the problem being that the tan disappears much quicker than it takes to achieve it.

The holidays are almost over for most of us, and now it’s time to return to our normal routines. Even so, during this new season many of us would love to continue wearing our summer tan. Normally the tan disappears in about 3 to 4 weeks, so here is our advice to lengthen that time period.

It is important for you to know that prolonged sun exposure causes cellular changes and skin needs several days to correct these changes. When you tan, your skin suffers from dehydration resulting in poor quality collagen. The skin also becomes thicker as the epidermis protects itself by intensifying the stratum corneum (the protective barrier).

Here we list the best ways to help skin recover and to also help the tan last longer.

Keep skin hydrated

The first thing that you need to do is to use aftersun after sun exposure. These moisturizing body milks help to restructure the skin and help to restore flexibility and luminosity.


To avoid losing too many stem cells from dehydration it is advisable to exfoliate. The exfoliation must be gentle in order to remove dead cells without causing damage. It is possible that the tan could fade slightly but skin will remain be smooth.

These steps must be repeated for a minimum of 3 weeks, and if you want to add serum creams, ultra moisturizing creams or special repairers you can help skin maintain better results.

Activate melanin

To activate the body’s melanin, which is the skin pigment that gives our skin a tan, we must follow a diet rich in copper. By following this diet you will achieve higher melanin stimulation to help retain tanning levels.

These are the foods that contain a high copper percentage:

  • Meats: Liver, lamb, duck, pork.
  • Nuts and others: Cashews, pistachios, sunflower seeds, almonds, cocoa, nuts and raisins.
  • Legumes: Chickpeas, lentils and beans.
  • Vegetables: Carrots, spinach, artichokes, mushrooms and vegetable stock.
  • Cereals: All whole grains containing more than 0.2 mg of copper, oats, wheat.
  • Fruits: All those whose color evokes us the beta-carotene, ie. carrots, melons, peaches.
  • Seafood: squid, mussels, shrimp, lobster.

Finally we must take into account that vitamin E, enhances the effects of beta-carotene and eliminates free radicals which are responsible for skin aging.

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